Pahorek u Jazera .
The Pahorek site is formed by a low hill protruding visibly above the level of the surrounding terrain (approx. 2 m) with a number of depressions after the extraction of aggregates. The most valuable areas are in the central and southeastern part of the site, a small part of the site is overgrown with shrubs. In the peripheral parts of the locality, unwanted shrub cane and elevated oats are represented in places. The locality represents the habitat of a number of important subxerothermophytes, ie especially the Gagea bohemica, subsp. Bohemica, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. Bohemica, Nepeta nuda, Muscari comosum, Muscari neglectum, Saxifraga bulbifera , Achillea setacea, Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis, Potentilla arenaria and Filago arvensis. The Mantis religiosa, Coturnix coturnix, Lacerta agilis) and the Coronella austriaca are also repeatedly observed at the site. The observation of the Upupa epops comes from the surroundings - a couple were observed right on the road next to the locality at the turn of July and August 2020.
Fields over Paper Mill .
The site consists of a complex of grasslands separated by an existing road + the entrance of an old abandoned import road. The predominant part of the area consists of grasslands with the occurrence of some endangered plant species. Boundaries and ditches at the edges are mostly overgrown with trees, with places with dead or dying fruit trees. There are several valuable and aesthetically impressive woody plants in the locality. These are the habitats of protected species, which include, for example, the Orchis purpurea, the Aster amellus, the Dorycnium germanicum, the Asplenium cuneifolium, the Senecio erucifolius Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis, Biscutella laevigata subsp. Varia .
Violet .
The locality consists of a distinctive rocky promontory above the river Jihlava and the adjoining slopes. The affected area represents the transect of the entire left bank side of the valley. These are slopes with a southern orientation and a significant proportion of thermophilic vegetation. The most valuable parts are a rocky promontory and the immediately adjacent slopes with protruding rocks largely overgrown with shrubs. There are Gagea bohemica, subsp. Bohemica, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. Bohemica, Pulsatilla grandis, Asplenium cuneifolium, Cornus mas, Campanula bononiensis, Saxifraga bulbifera, Inula oculus-christi, Cardaminopsis petraea, Stipa pennata and other valuable plant species. In the northern part, behind the road there is an area used in the past as a vineyard, then a meadow and a garden with an orchard. For the most part, the area is currently overgrown with invasive blackthorn acacia. However, old stone walls have been preserved in several places (note: their sunbathing and repair will be ensured as part of the project). In this part of the locality, the more valuable plant species is the Muscari comosum. Animals such as Calliptamus italicus, Lacerta viridis, Lacerta agilis, Coronella austriaca, Anguis fragilis and many species of birds can be found throughout the site.
Boundaries by the road between Mohelno and the turnoff to Mohelno dam .
The locality consists of borders and ditches along the road between the inner city of the town of Mohelno and the branch leading to the dam of the Mohelenská dam reservoir. The ditches around the road at the top are actively used by the critically endangered ground squirrel (Spermophylus citellus). It has burrows in the area of the ditches and also uses them to provide food. Through the road, individuals run over the course of the season in order to obtain food in the adjacent field. To ensure optimal care of this habitat, it is necessary to mow the grasslands here with the removal of biomass. Grasslands should be such that, in terms of their height, density and species composition, they are best suited to both ground squirrels and other organisms present in the environment, in particular insects, and in particular diurnal butterflies. The benefit of mowing grass can be seen in the fact that it would further reduce the risk of collisions of passing motor vehicles with migrating ground squirrels. Although deceleration belts have been installed on the road to reduce the speed of motor vehicles and thus reduce the risk of a collision between motor vehicles and passing ground squirrels, these collisions cannot be completely ruled out. A measure that would certainly further reduce the risk of collision is to maintain a narrow strip of vegetation (approx. 0.7 - 1 m) immediately adjacent to the road at a height of up to 10 cm (ie mowing 2/3 times a year). Such a height of vegetation will allow drivers of passing vehicles to gain visual contact with ground squirrels ready to cross over and then react in time by reducing speed or stopping, which is not possible for most of the growing season in the case of high vegetation season. An important fact is that the ground squirrels observed and identified in the last three years were almost exclusively located at the curb. It is therefore possible to predict that the implementation of measures could have positive effects on reducing the mortality of this critically endangered species.
The ditches around the entire road are an important habitat for many species of diurnal butterflies and other groups of insects, including protected and endangered species. They follow on both sides directly to the free areas, which are part of the Mohelenská hadcová steppe NPR. Their mosaic mowing in connection with the cutting of undesirable overgrowth trees (especially the genus Rubus sp.) Overgrown with free areas of ditches can significantly improve the current state of these valuable habitats. The following species of butterflies are found in the open areas around the road: Papilio machaon, P. podalirius, Leptidea sinapis, Pontia edusa, Colias alfacariensis, Lycaena phlaeas, L. tityrus, Thecla betulae, Favonius quercus, Satyrium w-album, S. pruni, S. acaciae, S. ilicis, Plebejus argus, P. argyrognomon, P. agestis, Polyommatus coridon, P. bellargus, P. icarus, Lassiomata megera, Coenonympha arcanis, C. glycerion, Aphantopus hyperantus, Maniola jurtina, Melanargia galathea, Hipparchia fagi, Minois dryas, Brintesia circe, Arethusana arethusa, Erebia medusa, Boloria euphrosyne, B. dia, Issoria lathonia, Argynnis paphia, A. adippe, Melitaea didyma, Pyrgus serratulae, P. carthami, Hesperia comma, Ochlodes sylvanus, Z. purpuralis, Z. minos, Z. carniolica, Z. loti, Z. viciae, Z. ephialtes, Z. angelicae, Z. filipendulae, Z. lonicerae, etc. Berberis occurs here as a protected and endangered plant species. vulgaris, Carex humilis, Stipa pennata var. puberula, Dorycnium germanicum and Juniperus communis subsp. communis.
Area under the power line .
The locality consists of an open space under the power line connected to it by areas representing a separate enclave adjacent to the Mohelenská hadcová steppe NPR. Part of the area are also open, respectively. currently heavily overgrown, habitat with steppe vegetation. The most valuable part of the site are the areas under the power line. Asplenium cuneifolium, Berberis vulgaris, Carex humilis, Stipa pennata var. Puberula, Dorycnium germanicum and Juniper communis. Of the animals then Zerynthia polyxena, Oxythyrea funesta, endangered Pyrgus carthami, endangered Pyrgus serratulae, Erebia medusa ) Colias alfacariensis, Meloe proscarabaeus , Plebejus argus.