Project focus.
This project is focused on protection of endangered species of animals and plants, listed in the Red list especially. A number of Impelemented interrelated measures follow each other and lead to conservation, improvement or restoration of the Red list species natural habitats.
Measures include restoration and care of meadow grassland, improvements of existing degrading meadow grassland, expansive species reduction ( mainly Calamagrostis epigejos), problematic invasive species elimination ( mainly Robinia pseudoacacia), unwanted plants removing, old fruit trees pruning, planting of new high-stemmed old varieties fruit trees, construction of stone walls for reptiles and birds as well as natural hatchery for reptiles. Measures also include a best practise transfer and innovative approach - namely building of special nesting houses for Upupa epops and Oenante oenante into stone walls (in partnership with the Czech society for Ornithology - South Moravian branch) and implementation of scientific research project sucessfully performed and varified on other locations, e.g. use of plant parasite/semi-parasite ( rhinatus or Melampyrum species ) in due to reduce unwanted Calamagrostis epigejos or to change the ratio of plant species in favor of herbs in degrading herbaceous grasslands (in partnership with ZO ČSOP Pozemkový spolek Hády).
Every measure will be executed out of protected area, nevertheless in naturally valuable localites or potentialy highly valuable localites. Realised measures will bring positive impacts, not only from the Red list species perspective, but also into biodiversity generally, especially will support also other valuable and endangered species. At the same time, all implemented measures will contribute to increasing the ecological-stabilization function of individual solved localities.