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Dokončujeme zdravotně-bezpečností ořez 

Zbylé ovocné stromy v dalešickém sadu se dočkaly ořezu. Odstranění suchých, poškozených či odumírajících větví vede k prodloužení života stromu. I větve, které svým tlakem vytváření ve kmeni pukliny jsou odstraněny či zkráceny, aby se předešlo rozlomení stromu. Odumřelé stromy jsou ořezány na torzo, které takto ještě mnoho let může sloužit jako útočiště pro hmyz.


Kosíme syslí Lem u MHS a odstraňujeme náletové trnky Pod Elektrovede

Kosení pásu podél silnice u MHS jednak snižujeme pravděpodobnost střetu přebíhajících syslů s auty a také udržujeme pás kvetoucí.

Pod Elektrovodem jsme vyřezali zmlazující trnky po loňském větším výřezu.


Kosíme sad na Kozénku a Pod Elektrovodem

Tentokrát přišel na řadu sad na Kozénku, kde jsme posekli a vyhrabali část porostu - zbytek se opět ponechá pro spousty motýlů a vřetenušek, které zde jsou.

Sekli jsme také horní část lokality Pod Elektrovodem.


Kosíme lokality Loh u Lhánic a Pod Elektrovodem

Letní kosení je v plném proudu. V Lohu u Lhánic jsme dříve odstranily nálet babyk, plocha ke kosení je tak o kus větší - prostřední část je květnatá a láká spoustu hmyzu, část kde byly babky je porostlá kopřivami a bude potřeba ji opakovaně kosit. Část kvetoucího porostu jsme jako vždy nechali stát.


Vláčíme louky

Vláčení při kterém dochází k narušení travního drnu a rozrušení povrchu je důležitý proces pro podporu biodiverzity. Vláčení omezuje růst konkurenčně silných rostlin a otevírá prostor pro růst slabším, tedy vzácnějším druhům. Prospívá také k biodiverzity fauny, vytváří živostní prostor pro různé druhy samotářských včel a pavouků. Tento víkend jsme vláčeli na 3 lokalitách - Políčka nad Papírnou, Pahorek u Jazera a Štenkravy.


Výřez náletových babyk v Lohu u Lhánic

Po podzimní injektáži jsme odstranili nálety babyk, které zabíraly třetinu louky v Lohu. Provedli jsme též ořez větví, které zasahovaly do prostoru louky a odstranili padlou borovici na skalních výchozu (v místě kde se dříve vyskytovaly koniklece luční. Na léto plánujeme opět mozaikovou seč a pastvu. 


Ořez vrb ve Štenkravech

Ořez přispěje jednak k prodloužení životnosti vrb, jednak k vytvoření životně důležitých dutin pro saproxylické druhy organismů, zejména brouků – např. chráněného páchníka hnědého (Osmoderma barnabita) a lesáka rumělkového (Cucujus cinnaberinus), kteří se v okolí prokazatelně vyskytují.

Za pravého zimního počasí jsme ořez provedli na víc jak dvou desítkách vrb.


The basis for a new orchard on Fiola planted

Instead of the original acacia rejuvenation on the southern slope above the Fiola rock, 32 new fruit trees are now proudly rising towards the sun to prepare a background for valuable vegetation, insects and birds.


The orchard in Dalešice was renewed with dozens of new trees.

Between the villages of Slavětice and Dalešice, there is an old orchard at the edge of the forest. It provides man with sweet fruit, butterflies, birds and insects a place to live. An orchard without proper care will over time become overgrown, old trees will outlive and need to be renewed.

After previous mowing in an attempt to save the few individuals of the bitter crucifer (a highly endangered species, one of the target species of the project), we started to plant dozens of new tall fruit trees so that  the orchard could provide its services further decades.


The last mowing of the year at Kozének

During this week, we had the biomass mowed, dug up and taken away from the remaining areas of the orchard on Kozének.


The last mowing of the year at Políčky

With the aim of suppressing the invasive Canadian goldenrod and, on the contrary, to support the development of the protected species of the purple weed, we mowed part of the Polička site for the last time this year.


We are preparing the Fiola location for planting fruit trees

In the summer, we injected acacias, which mostly withered, but this allowed the penetration of light and the lush development of bushes, thorns, bird's tooth and others. The autumn section was all the more difficult, but part of the site is finished  and we will finish the rest by the autumn planting date.


We carry out cut-outs of raid bushes

With the end of summer, the mowing season comes to an end and attention shifts to the cut-outs of raid bushes - now at the locations of Plocha pod elektrovodem and Sad u Dalešice.


We are finishing the drywall at the other 3 locations

Hand-stacked dry walls serve as shelters for reptiles and also for birds (safe shelters for gray wagtails are installed in the walls). We have now completed 3 walls with a total length of 68m


The first results of our work are already blooming!

A new protected species of plant has appeared in the area of Plocha pod elektrovodom - burning bush (Dictamnus albus, C3) 


On Sunday, we organized a project excursion - we walked through the beautiful landscape of central Pojihlaví and admired the beauty of 5 locations. We presented the implemented measures, plans and also interim results in kind to the public.


Mowing time is coming. At the opening, we invited help in the form of a herd of sheep that is currently grazing the Loh u Lhánice location


In spring, we prepare the foundations for the future stone walls. These are dry, hand-stacked walls that serve primarily as shelters for lizards and reptiles. In the photos, you can see the loading of the material to the locations of Políček and Štenkravy, where we had 80 tons of aggregate brought, which will now be manually assembled into the form of walls. The walls will be created at a total of 8 locations and will thus create not only shelters for species from the red lists but also a picturesque landscape-forming element.


We built a total of 11 hatcheries for reptiles at 8 locations. These wooden structures filled with grass and branches will serve as hatcheries for protected species of reptiles such as the smooth snake in the coming years.


In the autumn of last year, we sowed semi-parasitic plants intended to suppress invasive species  - especially bush reeds. These days, we plant the seeding places with fences that protect against animal bites.


We planted 43 fruit trees at the Políčka nad Papírnou location (Mohelno district). There are still 11 left, which could not be planted due to the rapidly approaching darkness. It will happen within the next week. The actual planting was preceded by preparation in the form of felling invasive trees and bushes.


In selected localities, we plant fruit trees of old varieties - apple, pear, cherry and sour cherry - with the participation of the public. A total of 61 trees have now been planted at the locations of Hrubšice, Kozének, Pod Hájky and Pahorek.  The planting will follow at the location of Políčka nad Papírnou, where we will plant 52 trees. In total, almost 200 fruit trees will be planted as part of this project.


At the localities of Fiola, Políčka nad Papírnou and Meze in Cenklov, we cut out the shrubs and released the valuable individuals of the trees from the stand. We are also preparing the sites for the autumn planting of fruit trees.


In previous weeks, we focused on the suppression of invasive acacia in the localities of Fiola and Svahy nad Mohelským mlýnem by grouting individual trees. Mowing also goes to the finals - we are now mowing areas that we intentionally left out in the summer and removing biomass from the sites.


Acacia grouting was carried out at the Velký Kopec site. A large area of the intervention site is overgrown with mature acacias or rejuvenated acacias with blackberry stands. The tree trunks were drilled and the formed cavities were impregnated with herbicide. Some stands or individuals will resist the intervention and will need to repeat the injection.


Mowing the sites is currently in full swing. Due to the rain, there is more bevelled matter. We mow in a mosaic - always only a part of the localities. The rest will be cut later, in late August and in September. The photos are from the localities of Štenkrava, Políčka nad Papírnou and Pod Hájky.


We have mowed a neglected locality for years - Loh u Lhánic. Due to the rainy year and also the absence of previous care, there was a large amount of biomass at the site. In the upper part of the site we were pleased with a number of blueberries.  This awaits the locality, among other things, also grazed by sheep.


We obtained historical photos of 3 locations (Políčka nad papírnou, Svahy na Mohelský mlýnem and Fiola). You can see how they looked approximately 80 years ago ingalleriesindividual locations.

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